Sunday 29 January 2012


An apparent ritual mass sacrifice—including decapitations and a royal beer bash—is coming to light near a pre-Inca pyramid in northern Peru,

"There is a high degree of variation in the position of the bodies, from being dumped in with arms and legs splayed, to being carefully folded and flattened, and being folded in tightly flexed positions,"

"When a ceramic vessel or bottle is broken through an accidental process, the breakage patterns tend to be random. What we see here is evidence of extremely careful, repetitive, and very intentional breakage of these things,"

 These samples will soon be scanned and uploaded for a better quality image!


some textiles knit samples from last years brain themed project, to be continued..

I do apologise for the shitty quality of these photos, a quick upload, to be improved!

Monday 28 November 2011


On Friday I met Professor Richard Weston at Liberty, London, where he stocks beautiful collections of digitally printed scarves in their prestigious scarf hall.

We chatted about his work for almost an hour and I was lucky enough to show him my designs and learn a lot about related subjects and talk about future plans! Here are some cheeky snapshots that sum up the morning!

Proff.WESTON wearing my 'brain' scarf!

I first came across Richard's work on a television programme looking at british craftsmen stocking new products in Liberty and immediately fell in love with his work and loved his passion and enthusiasm for his subject.

Richard scans natural minerals and the digitally printed results are fascinating.

Sunday 20 November 2011


So I'm a textiles student at Central St. Martins in London, at foundation level, and, to say the least, am obsessed with print.

Recently in spare time I've been teaching myself photoshop and amateur graphic print design, so I've finally finished the first ideas and had them printed onto silk chiffon and hand hemmed.
Each print has a medical connotation; read on to read more.

You may be a little surprised to uncover that the print on this one features my own brain! Yes, that's right, After having an MRI scan, I decided to put the image to good use!

a print which started it's life as an x-ray image of a poor chap who has 6 toes [b&w version]

these prints came from an x-ray featuring a leg brace; one of those gadgets to keep you're bones in place using pins, not for the feint hearted!

6 toes [pink version]

let me know your thoughts,

oh, and this is JAMEELA JAMIL wearing MYBRAIN scarf!
-V Festival Chelmsford 2011